As I type this post, my 18 year old son is down at the supermarket buying ingredients so he can do some baking. He has always enjoyed cooking, but hasn’t had the space to cook for the simple joy of cooking. One advantage of being in isolation is that he has that space. I must admit that I am enjoying the results of his baking.
For a while, I have been struggling to focus on my writing, so I’ve been taking a leaf out of my son’s book and have been writing just for the fun of it. Between writing prompts set by my nephews, Virtual Writers Group, and my local writers group, there has been a lot of writing simply for the joy of writing.
The writing I have been spending the bulk of my time on are stories just for fun. There is no expectation of having them published (although I am looking at publishing the stories for my nephews so they can have a copy of ‘their’ stories), no thought of editing or critique, or anything like that. It’s just writing for the fun of writing.
Clearing out my head like this has been fantastic as it has opened up my creativity. This is evident in the writing prompts I’ve been coming up with! It has also been helping me to get excited about writing again and the possibilities that brings.
It can be easy to fall into the trap of writing only to publish the next book or finish the next assignment and forget that writing should be something fun. This is something the current situation has given me, the time and headspace to rediscover what I love about writing.