What I’ve Read – September 2019

Picture books and audiobooks made up the bulk of my reading in September.

The audiobook I listened to was Urn Burial by Kerry Greenwood, one of the Phryne Fisher books I hadn’t read yet. This is a throwback to some of the old English house murders where everyone is stuck in one place, so you know the murderer is someone we’ve already met. It was fun, but missing many of the Phryne Fisher characters I love.

I finally finished reading Love Stories: Writing a Romance Novella in 30 Days or Less by Rachelle Ayala. I have a few novellas that I’ve been writing, and this book had some good tips.

For picture books, I read Some GirlsSome Boys, and Some Brains by the amazing Nelly Thomas following her book launch. I also loved reading Once I was Loved by Belinda Landsberry. I shared The Voyage by Robert Vescio with my 3 year old nephew, who reminded me to look at picture books through the eyes of a child.

What books did you read in September?

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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