What I’ve Read – July 2022

It’s the second half of the year. In July, I got back to reading some awesome picture books, as well as an audiobook, a book I picked up at a writers festival three years ago, and a chapter book.

How to Make an Avocado Fly by Mikayla White was the first book on my list, followed by Mama’s Honest ABCs by Heidi Sharrard & Nellie Hutchinson and Splats by Simon Crack. These were all great picture books that I recommend you look up. Splats would be a great one for writers to get some inspiration for stories.

I finished reading All That Happened at Number 26 by Denise Scott. I bought this after hearing her speak at a writers festival three years ago. This was a great read, some very funny moments, and an insight into the Melbourne comedy scene.

For an audiobook, I enjoyed The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions by Kerry Greenwood, a collection of Phryne Fisher short stories. Some I recognised as inspiration for some of the stories in the TV series.

To finish off the month, I read The Adventures of Eddie and Flip Boy by Bobby Holland Hanton. It was okay, but not on my must-read list.

I have started another audiobook, the second Magical Misfits book by Neil Patrick Harris, and I found The Last Quarter by Nicki Edwards when I was doing some tidying up, and started reading that one too.

How was your reading during July?

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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