I have been able to read!! If you’re a booklover and haven’t been able to read for a while, you will understand my joy. I still have to take it easy, but I’ve been reading more.
Ella and Mrs Gooseberry by Vikki Conley and Penelope Pratley is a delightful picture book about a girl and her elderly neighbour. It was a lot of fun sharing this one with my nephews.
I read what my kids term my ‘rave’ book. This is the one I tell everyone they should read. Hadamar – The House of Shudders by Jason K. Foster is a YA book about a black girl in Germany during the Holocaust. It’s a powerful story and one that should be read along with stories about the Jews during the same time. I’ve been telling everyone about this book and I’ve lost count of the number of people I have recommended it to.
The final book that I finished during July is Writing the Cozy Mystery by Nancy J Cohen. This book was recommended by a few people in writer’s groups on Facebook and it looked interesting. I enjoy reading cozy mysteries as well as watching them on TV. I also have a few ideas of mysteries and this book has given me some great ideas on how to shape the story and get them off the ground. It was a great introduction and I look forward to having a play and getting some of these stories out of my head.
I hope you had a great reading month in July. I’m looking forward to August!