Welcome to August! Most of July was spent moving and getting settled into our new house as well as juggling jobs in both Traralgon and Melbourne. Most of the completed books on my list have been audio books, picture books, and chapter books.
I’m finding that audio books are fantastic for long drives, though changing discs while on the road can be tricky…. I’m learning where the best places to stop to do this are.
A number of years ago, we gave my older son a set of the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis on audio book for Christmas. While we were packing, I rediscovered them and started listening. It’s been a long time since I’ve read these books, and I don’t think I had ever read The Horse and His Boy, so it was lovely hearing these in the car. They were presented more as a radio play than someone reading the books through, and each book was introduced by Douglas Gresham, the step-son of C.S. Lewis.
I also listened to Boy by Roald Dahl, another audio book that belongs to my son, and The Taste of Summer by Katie Lord Brown that I borrowed from the library.
While visiting my nephew for his birthday, we read Do Not Open this Book and Do Not Open this Book Again by Andy Lee. These were fun picture books that reminded me of The Monster at the End of this Book, though with some bits that had us laughing really hard.
For the PopSugar Reading Challenge, I read The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel as a micro history, and The Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book by Jennifer Donnelly as a Past GoodReads Choice Award Winner.
I also managed to read Cinnamon Stevens: Ghost Light by Pauline Hosking. I was lucky enough to attend the book launch earlier in the year, but hadn’t got around to reading until a couple of weeks ago. This was a fantastic book that I’ve been recommending all over the place.
Last weekend, Aldi had a number of Billie B Brown books by Sally Rippin on special. I bought them to give to a friend for her Street Library. It may be a bad habit of mine, but I had to read them before I passed them on… I managed to read four during July!
The total of books I’ve read this year is 61, plus a couple that aren’t on GoodReads.
What did you read during July?