Happy New Year everyone. Can you believe 2022 is here already? I hope you got some fantastic books for Christmas. My kids gave me some new picture books to add to my collection.
According to GoodReads, I read 66 books during 20221. That’s only the books that are on GoodReads. The number would be closer to 70 as some of the books I’ve read haven’t been listed.
I read 12 books in December. As usual, most of these were picture books.
I enjoyed Second Chance Christmas by Nicki Edwards. This is another of her rural romance, although this one is set in Canada rather than in Australia. It was great to read a Christmas novel that featured Australian characters. On audiobook, I listened to A Ration Book Christmas by Jean Fullerton on a number of long drives. Set during WW2, this was a great story.
Phoebe Breaks Free by AK Winter was a fun chapter book about a little dog starting a new life and then getting stuck in a fence! Kids will enjoy this book, especially if they like stories featuring cute dogs.
For picture books, I bought Die Hard by Doogie Horner, a picture book based on the movie, for my son. If you haven’t seen the movie, you may not enjoy this book quite so much, but this book was a hit in this house. Born to Stand Out by Nikki Rogers was fantastic, and I really enjoyed Blimey there’s a Bunyip by Veronica Ferguson Perez and Aussie Bush Troopers: The Rescue of Old Bluey by Nerissa Plackowski. These three books were all from Kickstarter campaigns that arrived during December.
Fire by Jackie French was one of my Christmas books and it’s fantastic. Butterball’s Christmas Surprise by Julia Seaborn and A Unicorn Ate my Homework by Julia Inserro were fun ebooks that were in my Kindle app. The last two books were Searching for Santa by Luna Finch and We Found a Cat by Heidi McKinnon.
I’ve nearly finished book 3 of The Descendants series by Melissa de la Cruz, but didn’t quite get it finished in time for it to be included in my December or 2021 book lists. I’ll finish it during January and it will be a great book to start the new year.
I hope you had a fantastic December & were able to read some great books.