What I’ve Read – August 2017

I only managed most of one book this month! I started reading Miss Lily’s Lovely Ladies by Jackie French. It’s nearly finished!

There are a couple of other books I have started and put down, but I wasn’t able to focus on the story, so I have put them aside to start once again when I have a chance.

Right now I am reading in hospital as my son is back again – visit number 3 for the year. This time he’s having a ketamine infusion. If you want to find out more of what is going on, I have a blog at Diary of a Chronic Mum

As well as Miss Lily’s Lovely Ladies, I have a couple of other books in my bag to get my teeth into when I have finished this one.

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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