What I’ve Read – November 2020

November has been and gone, only one month left of 2020. I made some great progress on my To Be Read pile, reading books that I won through Booktober Fest from Imani the Author, books my nephew leant me, and more. My older son got a job in a book shop… this is dangerous for my budget, but great for my reading!

The first book I finished reading was Writing Prompts for Powerful Plots by Kate Krake. This was a really interesting book that gave some great writing tips.

My nephew leant me The Missing Ace and Rabbit Rescue both by Cosentino. I really enjoyed both of these books and the magic tricks and tricks scattered throughout the story.

I only read one picture book this month, Gorkle by Penny Macoun. This was a fun read.

The other two books I read were Fossil Frenzy by Sandra Bennett and  Aster’s Good Right Things by Kate Gordon. These are fantastic middle grade books.

Reading middle grade books has started bringing back my reading mojo, at least the mojo for reading more than picture books.

For all you adult readers out there, dip into the magical world of middle grade books. They really are amazing.

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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