Lately I’ve seen a lot of posts from libraries and bookshops that feature their most popular books. These are the books that have been borrowed the most, or the books that have been bought the most. The lists have the books that people have already heard about through other channels, which is why they are on those lists.
Earlier today I had a thought. Wouldn’t it be amazing for the libraries and bookshops to have lists of amazing books that don’t get borrowed or purchased nearly enough.
There are many fantastic books and amazing authors that people haven’t heard of before. Libraries and bookshops are in a unique position to let people know about these titles and authors.
This is one reason I love the Small Press Network Most Underrated Book Award. It’s a great way to highlight some amazing books that no one has heard about before. It’s also one of the reasons I started my Read for Fun blog. I was trying to find a way to help share some of the amazing books and authors that you’ve never heard of.
In 2020, I am looking forward to reading more amazing books by authors I haven’t heard of yet, and I hope you will too.
To get you started, here are a few authors to check out (if you want to add any links to the list, let me know):