This year, my son has spent a lot of time in the Monash Children’s Hospital. He has a condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome that is considered the most painful condition known – worse than child birth, cancer, and amputation.
The new hospital opened in April this year, and they have some amazing facilities for the patients. This includes an activity room in each ward that has a number of books the kids can borrow.
Many of the books on the shelves were from well-known authors, and there was still plenty of room on the shelves for more books. I put the call out to my contacts to see if anyone else wanted to donate books too.
I donated copies of each of my books, Swallow Me, NOW!, 3…2…1…Done!, and Lizzy’s Dragon (that hasn’t been launched yet!). I was very excited to see copies of these books on the shelves of the activity room today. I had to take a photo.
I really hope the children in hospital enjoy my stories, as well as any other books we can donate to fill the shelves.