Back in 2014, I published my first book, Swallow Me, NOW!
It was quite a process of drafting, editing, illustrations, and beta readers. The story had been called Sam’s Solution during this process, but it wasn’t a title that I really loved, it was just what I came up with when I started writing the story.
One of the questions for my beta readers was to come up with a better title. I then compiled the list and discussed possible titles before we decided on Swallow Me, NOW!
I’ve been clearing out some old papers and came across the list of possible titles we had compiled. Here they are for your enjoyment:
- Defeating the Bullies
- Stay Strong
- Sam’s New Beginning
- You’re Not Alone
- Fitting In
- New School, New Friends, New Foes
- The Girl from Nepal
- The Life of an Outsider
- The Evil Genius’ Daughter
- Sam’s Big Move
- Conquering the Bullies
- It’ll Get Better… Eventually
- Overcoming Your Fears
- The Bullying Tale
- A New Place
- New Start, New School, New Life
- There’s Always Light at the End of the Tunnel
- Try!
- The Girl That Never Gave Up
- It’s Always Possible
This was one of the last things we did on the book before the final layouts. We even had the cover design done while we were deciding on the title!
For all of you authors out there worried about a title during your first draft – don’t stress about it, a title will come, you have time to find the title for your book.
For anyone who is wanting to know more about Swallow Me, NOW! and what the story was about, especially after reading all those title suggestions, click here for your copy. If you would like a signed copy, just contact me.