I have a quite a few favourite films, however there are two that top the list.
The first is The Court Jester with Danny Kaye. I fell in love with this movie in my teens when we would see it on TV regularly. It also stars a very young Angela Lansbury. The story is fun and there are so many wonderful lines. The characters are also fun and colourful. The goodies and the baddies are clear cut , and there are some surprising twists. It’s good, clean fun. I’ve also enjoyed sharing it with my kids and it’s becoming a fast family favourite.
The second is The Princess Bride, another movie I fell in love with as a teen. It also has a great story, characters, lines and twists. I’ve also enjoyed sharing these movies with my kids.
Both of these are movies you can watch over and over and the stories are such that you will always find something new, as well as remembering different scenes at other times, lines constantly come up in conversation with family members that have us all laughing.
There are a lot of other movies that I enjoy, but these are the two that top the list.