Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Enjoying tea
Enjoying tea

My first choice for hot drink is a nice cup of tea, or better still, a cup of chai. When I go out to a cafe, I often order a chai latte, although I can be quite fussy.

I’ve taught my kids how to make me a nice cup of tea in my favourite mugs, although they are yet to learn the art of making me a chai. For my birthday, my 10 year old gave me some nice chai tea to enjoy.

The first time I had coffee, I was about 7 and it was when we were in Nepal. I quite liked it then, but was told I was too young to drink it. By the time I was considered old enough, I didn’t like the taste.

However, there are some evenings when I can’t go past a nice cup of hot chocolate, complete with mini marshmallows, especially when I’m in the middle of editing.

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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