One of the things I love about dragons is the variety. They come in so many shapes and sizes and abilities.
Creating dragons is a lot of fun, and my How to Create a Dragon workshop is one of my favourites. This morning I had Young Writers Group at the Sale library and had a couple of options prepared, and dragons was one of them. The participants all perked up when the topic came up, so that’s what we ran with.
The first step in process was to identify a problem that the dragon could solve or cause, and go from there.
I love hearing the issues the participants come up with. This time we had a wide variety from stopping floods to destroying schools to stealing hair clips. The problems were as varied as the dragons that were created to cause or solve them.
Some of the reasons this is one of my favourite workshops:
- We get to talk about different dragons participants know about
- We look at the things the participants don’t know about dragons
- I get to share the dragons that are in my books, both published and drafts
- We get to have fun creating dragons
- I get to see and hear about a whole lot of new dragons that have just been created
- This workshop is fantastic for writers of all ages
- This workshop is fun for participants no matter where they are in their writing journey, and even for those who aren’t fans of dragons (we convert them!)
I’m looking forward to the next workshop at the Sale library and not sure how we’ll top this one!
If you would like a How to Create a Dragon workshop near you, either face to face or virtual, please contact me.