In Virtual Writers Groups, we have done random word prompts, where I provide the participants with random words to come up with a story. Today, we mixed it up a bit.
When I logged in, a couple of the kids were already having fun playing with emoji’s, so, instead of random words, we did random emoji’s!
These are the ones I picked: ???? ????????????????????????
If you can’t make out the images, we have a clown, a dinosaur, a hamburger, flying money, a sunrise, a rainbow, and a treble clef.
These were the perfect start to some very silly stories.
Here is my effort:
There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Instead, there is money that flies around on angel wings and you need a butterfly net to catch it.
Some clown decided that the only way to get to the end of the rainbow was to ride on the back of a dinosaur and follow the music…
The clown dangled a hamburger in front of the dinosaur, like someone would dangle a carrot in front of a donkey, hoping that would get it moving. However the dinosaur was a herbivore and the hamburger didn’t work… he should have used a carrot.
Giving up, the clown got off the dinosaurs back and decided to watch a sunrise while he came up with another plan to find the flying money at the end of the rainbow.