One of the best things about starting a new year, is starting Young Writer’s Group for a new year. It’s always so much fun to work with the young writers in the group, sharing with them life as an author as well as seeing their own writing develop over time.
As is tradition, we started the year with our favourite prompt – the Chocolate Prompt.
This time, I had each student choose three chocolates. One was to be a person, one a place, and one a thing. It didn’t matter that the chocolates were all a bit melted from sitting in my car for the drive down from Traralgon and me catching up with some friends before Writer’s Group started!
As most of the kids were regulars, much of the session was taken up with chatting about our Christmas break, though there was some writing done. It never ceases to amaze me how creative the kids in the group are. Even after doing this prompt multiple times, they still manage to come up with something new!
We had two new members join us, it seems they had fun and I’m looking forward to getting to know them this year.
If you want to find out more about Young Writers’ Group, click here for details.