Tips for Giving Books as Christmas Gifts

Books make fantastic gifts for any occasion, but especially for Christmas. They are easy to wrap, and there are so many different books for sale you are sure to find a book for even the most reluctant readers.

Books can be enjoyed on Christmas Day, they are great for some quiet time if needed, and months later after the novelty of new toys has worn off. They can also be enjoyed by every age.

You can find books in a variety of places including book shops, markets, online stores, direct from the author, and crowdfunding. You can also purchase books throughout the year as you find them, so you can spread the cost over 12 months, and they don’t go off.

Books are also easily sent in the mail if you are sending gifts to people you won’t see. You can either wrap and send them yourself, or there are online bookshops and authors who will wrap books and send them directly to the recipient.

It can be tempting to go to the bestseller shelf and pick a book at random, however there is good chance the recipient may have read it already or it’s not to their taste.

Whenever I go looking for a book as a gift, I go with the recipient in mind. I may have books that I’ve read and loved that I think others may enjoy too, however I know from experience this isn’t always the case. When I go with the recipient in mind, I usually get it right. Think about that person. How old are they? What are they interested in?

There are books on almost every topic for any age, so even if someone isn’t a booklover, you may be able to find a book. For example, a foodie may like a cookbook, a kid with a wicked sense of humour may like a joke book. Remember that a book doesn’t have to be fiction. Nonfiction counts too and, for some, they may enjoy it more.

Forget about books you think others ‘should’ read. There is a chance they either read that book already or it’s not to their taste. By searching with the recipient in mind, there is a much higher chance you’ll find the perfect book for the recipient.

Books make fantastic Christmas gifts, and are a great way to make Christmas a little more ‘bookish’. You never know, they may take the hint and buy you some books in return.

Of course, my books make wonderful Christmas gifts too…

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About Melissa

Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.

She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.

Melissa Gijsbers, Author, Speaker & Booklover
Melissa Gijsbers - Author, Speaker & Booklover
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