One of the suggestions my kids came up with was having some bad guys in the story, something last years book didn’t have. This is something that I’ve been working on. In order to have bad guys, I also needed some good guys. Jimmy James, my main character, is one of the good guys, so I needed to work out where he fit in the grand scheme of things, and then work out who the bad guys were going to be.
With this in mind, the whole structure of the story changed, as well as some of the things I wanted to do with it.
The boys and I have had a lot of fun with creating organisations for both our here and our villains, including creating logos, colour schemes, and gadgets.
Bad Guys
The first thing we had to do was come up with a name for our evil organisation and work out what it stood for. That was the easy part! Once we had that, the next thing was to come up with a logo and colour scheme. One thing I knew was that I didn’t want my bad guys in black. Dark red is the main colour we’ve chosen. Dark purple was another option, however with Jimmy James’ orange and purple socks, purple wasn’t really an option.
Currently, we are working out what they will do to stop Jimmy James, especially as I don’t want to have a lot of fights and violence in the story.
Good Guys
The good guys were slightly easier as we already knew the socks are orange and purple, so there were the colours. Coming up with a name was a bit harder, however some of my writer friends came up with the solution and we now have a name. Mr N has an idea for a logo and we’ve started work on the gadgets. Again, I don’t want a lot of violence in the story, so we have to think laterally to come up with some gadgets and strategies to defeat the bad guys. This is a fun project and I think the boys are enjoying this too. Sometimes I think their imaginations are even crazier than mine!