Day 12 – Wrestling…
It’s Day 12 of the Blogging Olympics and today’s event is the Wrestling. The challenge today is to find a post I disagree with and write a counter post. The only problem with this is that I haven’t read any posts lately that I disagree with strongly enough to remember …
Day 11 – Synchronised Swimming Team
It’s Day 11 of the Blogging Olympics, and today’s event is Synchronised Swimming. This is one of those sports that no one seems to understand, but is fascinated by at the same time. It’s amazing watching the teams perform their routines upside-down and under water! Anyway, back to the prompt. …
Day 10 – Blogging Bullseye
It’s Day 10 of the Blogging Olympics, and today’s event is archery and share our blogging goals. My eight year old is about to go on his first ever school camp and is looking forward to trying archery for the first time. Anyway, back to the prompt. To be honest, …
Prompt #15 – Interview with a Bibliophile
The 15th writing prompt for the Author Blog Challenge is: Find someone you know, either online or in the real world, who is a true bibliophile and interview them about their reading habits. I was lucky enough to have Jenny Blake, aka AusJenny, offer to answer questions for me. …
I won! I won!
I’m just a little bit excited. My story, My Princess Wears a Superman Cape won the Princess Parade Flash Fiction Challenge. OK, so I’m more than a little excited – I have been telling anyone who will listen. Not bad for a last minute, first draft of a piece I wasn’t sure that …
WoW – Tiny as Your Thumb
It’s write on Wednesday again. This weeks prompt is to imagine you are as tiny as your thumb. You can read the whole prompt here. I started thinking about this and the idea for a children’s story came to mind… I don’t know if this will be the start of my …
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About Melissa
Melissa Gijsbers started writing when she was in High School during the 1990s, even winning some awards for a short story and a script. For many years, life got in the way of creative writing, however she did start blogging around 2006.
She currently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two sons and a pet blue tongue lizard.